コマンドライン速度測定 SPEEDTEST CLI

ルーター配下にYamahaファイアウォールを導入するにあたってデスクトップブラウザを開かずにコンソールからコマンドラインで速度測定できるツールを “speedtest コマンドライン”でググってみると見つけたのでめも。(車輪の再発明で恐縮です)

Speedtest® CLI

インストール方法 Fedra/CentOS/Redhat

$ curl -s https://install.speedtest.net/app/cli/install.rpm.sh | sudo bash
$ sudo yum install speedtest


$ speedtest

実行結果 ============================================================================== You may only use this Speedtest software and information generated from it for personal, non-commercial use, through a command line interface on a personal computer. Your use of this software is subject to the End User License Agreement, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy at these URLs: https://www.speedtest.net/about/eula https://www.speedtest.net/about/terms https://www.speedtest.net/about/privacy ============================================================================== Do you accept the license? [type YES to accept]: y License acceptance recorded. Continuing. Speedtest by Ookla Server: Cloudflare - Osaka (id = 48296) ISP: INTERLINK Latency: 13.48 ms (0.99 ms jitter) Download: 363.30 Mbps (data used: 494.2 MB ) Upload: 443.91 Mbps (data used: 778.4 MB ) Packet Loss: 0.0%



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